
Posts Tagged ‘hair products’

Let me start by saying I didn’t get any free samples of this stuff – I had to take the plunge and pay for it not sure if it would pay off in the end…which is why I’m sharing my opinion in hopes of helping someone else.  If you’re like me you occasionally walk into the salon and stare blankly at rows of expensive products hoping that you can guess which one may contain the magic formula that will make you look like a rock star every day.

Here are two of my latest investments:

1) Ojon Dry Shampoo.  My verdict: LEAVE ITojon
This is a great example of “If it’s too good to be true…” Maybe I’m the only one who hates washing my hair, but I seriously avoid it at all costs and dream about a product that would take that chore away.  OK, maybe not take it away but at least stretch it a little and spare me hours of unwanted time with my hair dryer.  I went out on a limb and purchased Ojon’s version of the latest craze “dry shampoo” after loving their glossing cream.  I had high hopes for this product, but must say was disappointed.  I had started to think I would love this stuff after the first use – it definitely gave my hair some extra volume, but after the 2nd use the spout clogged and sprayed my entire outfit, along with all the bathroom walls and floors with large powder like spots.  Not what I was hoping for right before running out to an event!  I’ve attempted to clean it to no avail and now it won’t even spray…completely useless and a HUGE waste of money : (  On another note, I hear Klorane makes a great one that I’m wishing I would have tried instead.  Anyone used it?

2) Moroccan Oil. My verdict: LOVE ITmoroccan_oil
This is a bit of an investment, but one that has proved to be worth every penny.  I love the way that such a tiny amount of this oil smooths my hair like nothing I’ve tried before and makes it nice and shiny!  Bonus feature is that it cuts down on drying time too.  I was a little hesitant to put straight up oil on my clean hair (seeing as how I hate washing it) but just a little bit around the back and ends works wonders – just don’t use too much!  My husband even noticed my hair looked different after using this stuff.  I actually look forward to being able to use it each time!

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