
Archive for the ‘Around the House’ Category

I decided to explore the world of cloth diapers before baby #2 while I still have some time to experiment and figure it out. I can’t say I really had a strong passion or desire to get into it, but after toying with the idea in my head for some time and talking to several friends who absolutely love it, I figured I’d give it a shot and see what I could learn.

While cloth diapers are significantly cheaper over time, cost was not my primary driving force to get into it. The idea of being able to have diapers without all the useless waste seemed quite appealing as I HATE changing a diaper only to find out 5 minutes later that it’s dirty and has to get changed again! The other factor was the fact my son has horrible allergies and eczema and can only wear Pampers Sensitive diapers or he will get a rash. This is fine and good except he’s a big kid and pees a lot which means that 1) the largest size they make may not fit him by the time he’s potty trained and 2) he’s soaking through them at night and waking up.  Not cool.  If cloth could give me more options for him then I figured it’s worth a shot. Not to mention any reusable diapers I get now will be around for baby #2 which makes them very economical!

So I started ordering some fun things to play around with it all, and here are a few of my favorites:

1) my favorite for everyday use so far is the BumGenius4.0 snap pocket diapers. I also tried a few of the Kawaii which seem great for the price, but I love the fact that when I use a BumGenius with the right inserts he still feels dry even when the diaper is soaked! I’m sure there are a ton of other great ones out there, but I didn’t want to bother trying them all since I found one pretty quickly that I really like.

2) my favorite insert is to use one of the BumGenius microfibers along with the BabyKicks Joey-Bunz (or Hemp babies are good too) hemp inserts. These really absorb well and keep everything away from his skin….and they don’t leak!

3) the other dilemma I hit was diaper rash cream. I heard you can only use certain ones with cloth and was NOT excited about trying any new creams or products on my son’s SUPER sensitive skin. After hearing rave reviews on pure coconut oil I figured I’d start there since it was only 1 ingredient and I would be able to easily tell if he had an allergic reaction to it.  To my delight, he did not react to the oil and in fact his dry eczema patches were better than ever! I was able to stop using his medication daily and can now save it for flare-ups which is big progress for him! It also helps to keep the diaper rash at bay and seems to work well with the cloth diapers.  The only down side to it is that it has oil stained a few shirts so we have to be careful when applying it and we learned not to lather his whole body in it and send him outside on one of the hottest days of the year (can you say heat rash? ouch). I LOVE the fact we can put it on his dry hands and I don’t have to worry about him ingesting harsh chemicals when he decides he needs to stick his fingers in his mouth. It’s organic, all natural and safe to eat!

4) the last fun find of the past few weeks are my wool dryer balls. I have not been able to use any type of dryer sheet or fabric softener with Evan’s skin condition so I was curious when I heard these not only cut your drying time significantly, but also work to soften clothes and reduce static. I bought one Bouncing Woolies brand and love it, but it was a bit pricey considering you really need several in the dryer at one time to do the trick. I then found a set of 4 on Etsy that are all natural colors and though they are a little bit smaller than the Bouncing Woolies ball seem to work just as well (and were 1/2 the price).  I now have all 5 in the dryer and they really do seem to cut way down on the drying time! I’ll be able to tell more about the static reduction once winter hits, but these are a fun addition to the laundry time no matter what.

Who would have thought laundry and diaper products could be so much fun? Not me, but I have really enjoyed all of this and just put in an order for more diapers! I sort of like doing the laundry and using all of this stuff (I’m sure that feeling won’t be around with 2 kids, mountains of laundry and more sleep deprivation) but for now it’s been a fun experiment AND we’re doing our part to reduce waste and be more eco-friendly!

*photos from http://www.sweetbottomsbaby.com and http://www.etsy.com

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Does anyone really like grocery shopping?  I suppose sometimes I do, like when I was sick for 3+ weeks back in January and hadn’t left the house….the grocery store became a fun outing.  Most of the time though, when there is nothing left in the house and I have put it off so long that it’s a necessity, I dread heading out to the grocery store.  It may be due to the constant crowds and 30+ minute drive that I have to make to go to the commissary that puts the pressure on to not forget anything and make sure my list is complete!  I always try and keep a notebook in the kitchen to write down items as I run out or think of them while cooking, but inevitably I sit and rack my brain, scour the pantry 8 times and still feel like I’m forgetting something. (which is why I think I should try the grocery list pad from knock knock)!

I realize this isn’t entirely normal, but I am the type of cook who likes to have EVERYTHING I could possibly need in stock at all times.  I hate wanting to make something and being out of it so fortunately we have space at this house to have created a mini-mart in our basement complete with a deep freezer.  I get jokes that our house is the place to be in case of an emergency or natural disaster, but I just hate not having what I need for a recipe!  We also do a lot of entertaining and keeping a stocked pantry assures than at any time I can whip up a great last minute appetizer, dinner or dessert should I find out only hours before that guests are on their way.  Here are a few of the random things that my pantry can’t seem to live without:

  • Boone Hall Farms natural peanut butter (from Charleston, SC) – I stock up on this stuff every time I visit and panic if I run out!
  • chicken broth
  • olive oil
  • cereal, of course
  • spicy brown mustard
  • vinegar
  • craisins
  • lime juice
  • jasmine rice
  • whole grain rolled oats
  • honey
  • dark (60% or higher) chocolate
  • diced tomatoes
  • almonds
  • and last but not least……popcorn kernels!

Do you have a foolproof method for keeping your grocery list?  What random things do you always make sure to have in stock?

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So my husband and a few of his work buddies decided they wanted to have a Nacho Libre theme party and what better time to do it than Cinco de Mayo?  I was informed of this decision just a few days ago, less than 2 weeks before the supposed event…and we, of course, are hosting it.  We LOVE theme parties and generally look for any opportunity to have one, but with this one I’m not quite feeling it yet. No use trying to change their minds though; several grown men have already rushed out and ordered their very own lucha libre fighting masks for the festivities!  wow.

Rather than fight their excitement I am attempting to get inspired with some creative Nacho Libre/Cinco de Mayo ideas and menu options.  Despite my husband insisting that we don’t have to “go crazy” on this one, it’s just not in my nature to do a theme party 1/2 way.  We recently re-watched the movie (which never fails to make me laugh) but other than setting up our large rectangular trampoline as a lucha libre fighting ring, there’s not much coming to mind at the moment.  We will of course do a taco bar as it is extremely easy and can be fancied up with a variety of ‘fresh ingredients.’

Here are a few inspirational ideas I’ve found so far:


The countdown is on so ANY ideas, photos, recipes, etc are welcome! PLEASE HELP!

(Images: source1, source2)

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i *heart* bamboo

You hear a lot about bamboo when it comes to going “green.”  There are endless uses for the plant, be it housing, flooring, clothing, bed sheets, dishes, instruments, food, medicine, etc.  I personally love using a shoot of bamboo as a long curtain rod and have it over many of the windows in my house.  Did you know bamboo is one of the fastest growing plant on the earth which makes it an amazing renewable resource?bamboo_summer

In honor of earth day I wanted to highlight the bamboo that has a special place in our home here in Maryland (yes, Maryland).  Half of the area behind our fence is a dense bamboo grove, which makes a beautiful natural barrier against an unsightly and noisy road nearby.  The amazing part of bamboo is that it stays green ALL year!


still green in the snow

Before you decide to grow your own bamboo, do your research as to the type of plant and conditions that you have to make sure it will grow and that it will not grow out of control (it can be tough to contain), but definitely consider the option.  Once it spreads along our entire back fence we will not only not see the nearby road, but be surrounded by a tropical oasis so dense that we will feel miles away from the noise of traffic.  A great way to use a sustainable resource as a natural outdoor barrier!

Happy Earth Day!  Here are some GREAT tips from the EPA on how to reduce/reuse/recycle!

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We bought this house with lofty dreams of all sorts of things we could renovate and fix.  Seeing as how it had been vacant for over a year when we moved in, there were no shortage of projects for us to tackle.  Our ideas seem to be bigger than our motivation these days, but we are still plugging away.

About 6 months ago we were hosting a lot of family for the holidays so we figured what better time to add an additional bathroom to the house, right?  We’d never installed a bathroom but figured it couldn’t bee too hard.  We were naive and turns out the holidays are a terrible time to take on a bathroom addition (who knew?), but amazingly we had functional plumbing by the time they arrived…though not much else.  Here we are 6 months later and ALMOST finished.  Here are some before & after pics of our eternal bathroom project.


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going green

white dog + lawn mowing = big mess

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We’re all on the lookout for ways we can save, reduce, reuse, recycle, etc… so next time you burn out one of your nice smelling candles in the big glass jar don’t throw it out!  You can get the remaining wax loose by either running the jar upside-down under hot water (which I did, and it works) or putting it in the freezer (so I’ve heard, but haven’t tried).  Either way, loosen the wax and you can pop it right out, wash the jar and you have a nice sealed storage container!


Mine became a home for the Easter candy I shouldn’t be eating (please ignore the fact that the jar’s 1/2 empty), but maybe you decide to fill it with cotton balls and put it in the bathroom…the possibilities are endless.

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my little buddy

I may be biased, but I think we have the cutest dog in the world.  He’s my little buddy and wants to be by my side at all times.  Yesterday he posed with his new Easter toy (which showed up in an Easter basket from my mom as most of his clothing and toys do).  Just thought I’d share his photo shoot today.  Meet Obi, our little 4 1/2 lb Maltese.


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I’ve always had a problem with cable companies.  Until I lived with other people I never even had cable, but inevitably the roommates, then my husband, and I admit now…even I have certain programs we think we couldn’t live without.  I love the promo deals they first give you, but 3 or 6 months later you’ll open a bill and have a heart attack looking at the balance due.  What a RIP OFF!  At that point (as long as there’s no contract) I call up their competitors who are always more than generous with giving me their own super discounted new deal.

I recently pulled one of these switches and fell in love with my new DVR & extra movie channels that came with the promo.  We’d record movies and could pull them up and watch them any time we wanted!!  I know this is old stuff for most of you, but we were a little behind with the whole DVR thing.  I knew the movie channels weren’t going to be free forever and just about the time we were settling in to our new life of movie freedom, our bill increased $40 a month! No way we were going to pay that much extra for movies!

We were soon back at the local video rental store perusing previously viewed DVDs and found 1) they had a terrible selection & 2) they were charging just as much for the pre-viewed DVDs as you could buy them new!  Rentals are up to $5 so that was out of the question – if we were going to pay that we’d just buy it off of pay-per-view and not have to drive across town to drop it back off.  I became sad that our DVR movie plan was so unaffordable and convinced myself on the drive home I would just have to revert to the old days and give up movies.

Again, most of you probably caught onto this long before I did, but JUST in case you haven’t, someone suggested Netflix as the answer to our movie dilemma.  netflixOf course I’d heard of Netflix and knew others who had it, yada yada, but for some reason hadn’t considered it & didn’t want to get locked into some membership or subscription that we’d pay for and end up never using.  I checked into it, and for less than $9 a month we can not only see movies when we want, but we can pick exactly which movies we want and in what order we want to watch them!!  The best part is there’s no contract so if we decide to stop we can get out at any time!  Their website is great and they’ll suggest movies you may like based on what you’ve seen and then you tell them what you want. We had our first movie within 1 business day of signing up and always get the next one shipped out the day they receive ours.  SO easy!

In my estimation (other than renting DVDs from the library) Netflix is the best value for your money by far!  We hardly ever go to the theatre (since it’s over $20 for 2 of us) netflix_logoso this is a great, affordable way to save money by downgrading the cable, avoid hassles and charges of rentals or fees from PPV, and see whatever movies you want to see at any time you want to see them!  Netflix is definitely our movie solution!

(Images source)

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Let me start by saying I didn’t get any free samples of this stuff – I had to take the plunge and pay for it not sure if it would pay off in the end…which is why I’m sharing my opinion in hopes of helping someone else.  If you’re like me you occasionally walk into the salon and stare blankly at rows of expensive products hoping that you can guess which one may contain the magic formula that will make you look like a rock star every day.

Here are two of my latest investments:

1) Ojon Dry Shampoo.  My verdict: LEAVE ITojon
This is a great example of “If it’s too good to be true…” Maybe I’m the only one who hates washing my hair, but I seriously avoid it at all costs and dream about a product that would take that chore away.  OK, maybe not take it away but at least stretch it a little and spare me hours of unwanted time with my hair dryer.  I went out on a limb and purchased Ojon’s version of the latest craze “dry shampoo” after loving their glossing cream.  I had high hopes for this product, but must say was disappointed.  I had started to think I would love this stuff after the first use – it definitely gave my hair some extra volume, but after the 2nd use the spout clogged and sprayed my entire outfit, along with all the bathroom walls and floors with large powder like spots.  Not what I was hoping for right before running out to an event!  I’ve attempted to clean it to no avail and now it won’t even spray…completely useless and a HUGE waste of money : (  On another note, I hear Klorane makes a great one that I’m wishing I would have tried instead.  Anyone used it?

2) Moroccan Oil. My verdict: LOVE ITmoroccan_oil
This is a bit of an investment, but one that has proved to be worth every penny.  I love the way that such a tiny amount of this oil smooths my hair like nothing I’ve tried before and makes it nice and shiny!  Bonus feature is that it cuts down on drying time too.  I was a little hesitant to put straight up oil on my clean hair (seeing as how I hate washing it) but just a little bit around the back and ends works wonders – just don’t use too much!  My husband even noticed my hair looked different after using this stuff.  I actually look forward to being able to use it each time!

Images (source)

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