
Posts Tagged ‘home improvement’

We bought this house with lofty dreams of all sorts of things we could renovate and fix.  Seeing as how it had been vacant for over a year when we moved in, there were no shortage of projects for us to tackle.  Our ideas seem to be bigger than our motivation these days, but we are still plugging away.

About 6 months ago we were hosting a lot of family for the holidays so we figured what better time to add an additional bathroom to the house, right?  We’d never installed a bathroom but figured it couldn’t bee too hard.  We were naive and turns out the holidays are a terrible time to take on a bathroom addition (who knew?), but amazingly we had functional plumbing by the time they arrived…though not much else.  Here we are 6 months later and ALMOST finished.  Here are some before & after pics of our eternal bathroom project.


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